Multicultural Education: A Renewed Paradigm of Transformation and Call to Action
H. Prentice Baptiste, Ashley Ryan, Blanca Artaujo, & Rose Fuhon-Sells, Editors
2015, 189xiii pp., $29.95, ISBN 1-880192-56-X
Commemorating the National Association for Multicultural Education’s 25th anniversary, this volume offers commentary on the history and ongoing vision of multicultural education by Geneva Gay, Carl Grant, James Banks, Christine Sleeter, Sonja Nieto and other leaders in the field.
The War Schools of Dobrinja: Reading, Writing and Resistance during the Siege of Sarajevo
David M. Berman
2007, 252xxxii pages, $29.95, ISBN 1-880192-55-1
A carefully research, well-documented, and invitingly written story of the teachers and students who maintained schools in Dobrinja during the early 1990s despite the siege of Sarajevo. A compelling analysis of education under wartime conditions.
Key Questions for Educators
William Hare & John P. Portelli, Editors
2007, 162xiv pages, $24.95, ISBN 1880192-52-7
A collection of 40 original essays by well-known educational scholars responding to key questions about education and schooling. The result is a network of educational ideas of value to theoreticians and practitioners alike.
The Judicious Professor: A Learner-Centered Philosophy for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
2007, 226vi pages, $29.95, ISBN 1-880192-53-5
An examination of teaching at the college and university level, with a focus on the sharing of responsibility for teaching and learning between professor and students. The nature of the "Judicious Professor" is discussed through theory and examples.
The U.S. Presidency and Social Justice: Implications
for Public Education
H. Prentice Baptiste, Editor
2006, 371xii pp., paper, $39.95, ISBN 1-880192-51-9
A detailed analysis of the office of the President of the United States
in the context of social and educational policy, with a careful examination
of eighteen different Presidents and a variety of issues related to
political theory, influence, and power.
Academies for Anatolia
Academies for Anatolia: A Study of the Rationale, Program,
and Impact of the Educational Institutions Sponsored by the
American Board in Turkey, 1830-2005
Frank A. Stone
2006, 400 pp., paper, $39.95, ISBN 1-880192-50-0
An historical, social, and political examination of the schools
initiated, operated, and sponsored in Turkey by the American
Board and its contemporary successors.
Creating Inviting Schools
John M. Novak, Wendy Rocca, & Ann-Marie DiBiase, Editors
2006, 260 pp., $29.95, ISBN 1-880192-49-7
This book of 14 chapters by two dozen scholars and practitioners
of Invitational Education brings together the stories of
professional leaders who have successfully applied invitational
theory to the challenges and practices of real-life schools.
The Art of Writing Inquiry
Lorri Neilsen, Ardra L. Cole, & J. Gary Knowles, Editors
2001, 324 pp., paper, $32.95, ISBN 1-894132-06-8
A rich collection of arts-informed writing as inquiry and inquiry
into writing, including essays, reflections, fiction, poetry, and plays
at the leading edge of contemporary scholartistry.
Education for the Twenty-First Century
William H. Boyer
2002, 264 pp., paper, $24.95, ISBN 1-880192-38-1
In this intellectual biography, William H. Boyer presents
a collection of his articles, essays, and philosophy spanning
35 years, focusing on educational issues of peace, ecology,
economics, and philosophical reconstruction in this new century.
A Geography of Human Life
Tsunesaburo Makiguchi
2002, English Edition, Edited by Dayle M. Bethel, xxxvi & 310
pp., paper, $29.95, ISBN 1-880192-42-X
This volume by a distinguished Japanese scholar, first published
in Japan in 1903, offers a unique ecological and educational
perspective on the relationship between humankind and nature,
a perspective still very relevant over 100 years after its
first presentation.
Judicious Discipline
Forrest Gathercoal
2004 (6th edition), 250 pp., paper, $27.95, ISBN 1-880192-48-9
This revised and expanded 6th edition of the widely-used
Judicious Discipline presents the philosophical background
and a practical discussion of an approach to classroom management
and student growth revolving around development of self discipline
and learning the rights and responsibilities of living in
a democratic society.
On the Wings of Metaphor
Stanley D. Ivie
2003, 333 pp., paper, $29.95, ISBN 1-880192-45-4
Metaphors are the stock in trade of educators, and in this
textbook Stanley D. Ivie explores ideas from key educators
throughout history and assists students in understanding,
developing, and using metaphors in their education and life.
Quality Learning Experiences for ALL Students
Tonya Huber
2002, 176 pp. (8-1/2x11 format), paper, $24.95, ISBN 1-880192-36-5
A textbook for multicultural education and teacher education
classes rich in multiple and varied ideas that help both
teachers and students learn and appreciate the benefits of
culturally responsive pedagogy.
Shadows and Moon: About Being Schooled and a Bit More
Lou Denti
2003, 72 pp., paper, $19.95, ISBN 1-880192-44-6
A collection of poems and thoughts about children and youth
who have been stigmatized, labeled, and discriminated against
because of their learning and behavioral challenges. The
volume is used by the author and other faculty in preparing
special education teachers.
A Teacher’s Life: Stories of Literacy, Teacher Thinking,
and Professional Development
James A. Muchmore
2004, 203xiii pp., paper, $25.95, ISBN 1-880192-47-0
A Teacher’s Life blurs the distinction between biography
and qualitative research in presenting the story of a veteran
English teacher and placing her experiences in the context
of the author’s own professional life.
Theodore Brameld’s Educational Reconstruction: An
Intellectual Biography
Frank A. Stone
2003, viii & 296 pp., paper, $29.95
ISBN 1-880192-43-8
The activist thinker most related to the philosophy of education
called educational reconstruction is Theodore Brameld (1904-1987),
and this intellectual biography investigates the influences
that shaped Brameld’s life and thought.
Books in Multicultural Education
Multicultural Education: A Renewed Paradigm of Transformation and Call to Action
H. Prentice Baptiste, Ashley Ryan, Blanca Artaujo, & Rose Fuhon-Sells, Editors
2015, 189xiii pp., $29.95, ISBN 1-880192-56-X
Commemorating the National Association for Multicultural Education’s 25th anniversary, this volume offers commentary on the history and ongoing vision of multicultural education by Geneva Gay, Carl Grant, James Banks, Christine Sleeter, Sonja Nieto and other leaders in the field.
Challenges of a Changing America: Perspectives on Immigration
and Multiculturalism in the United States
Ernest R. Myers, Editor
2001 (2nd edition), 336 pp. (6x9 format), paper, $29.95,
ISBN 1-880192-37-3
A resource-reference book in education, history, psychology,
mental health, ethnic studies, and intergroup relations that
provides and examines perspectives on immigration and multiculturalism
in the United States.
Empowering the Second-Language Classroom: Putting the Parts
Huberto Molina with Ralph A. Hanson & Donna L. Siegel
1997, 88 pp. (8-1/2x11 format), paper, $19.95, ISBN 1-880192-23-3
A handbook and workbook for initial preparation and professional
development of teachers working with classrooms that include
second-language learners.
In the Shadow of “Excellence”: Recovering a
Vision of Educational Opportunity for All
Gregory J. Fritzberg
1999, 216 pp., paper, $25.95, ISBN 1-880192-30-6
This book presents an original and engaging analysis of
a concept that would hardly seem to need another treatment—equality
of educational opportunity. Gregory Fritzberg gives this
notion new vitality with comprehensive research and a fresh
and fair-minded critical analysis.
The MESA Way: A Success Story of Nurturing Minorities for
Math/Science-Based Careers
Wilbur H. Somerton, Mary Perry Smith, Robert Finnell, & Ted
1994, 212 pp. (6x9 format), paper, $17.95, ISBN 1-880192-10-1
This volume tells the story of the Mathematics, Engineering,
Science Achievement program that started at the University
of California, Berkeley in the 1970s and involved many other
campuses and public schools in an ongoing effort to open
education in those fields to minority students.
National Association for Multicultural Education 1993 & 1994
Carl A. Grant, Editor
1995, 454 pp., paper, $24.95
Collected and edited proceedings from the 1993 and 1994
annual conferences of the National Association for Multicultural
National Association for Multicultural Education 1995 Proceedings
Carl A. Grant, Editor
1997, 368 pp., paper, $24.95
Collected and edited proceedings from the 1995 annual conference
of the National Association for Multicultural Education.
National Association for Multicultural Education 1996 Proceedings
Carl A. Grant, Editor
1997, 336 pp., paper, $24.95
Collected and edited proceedings from the 1996 annual conference
of the National Association for Multicultural Education.
Quality Learning Experiences for ALL Students
Tonya Huber
2002, 176 pp. (8-1/2x11 format), paper, $24.95, ISBN 1-880192-36-5
A textbook for multicultural education and teacher education
classes rich in multiple and varied ideas that help both
teachers and students learn and appreciate the benefits of
culturally responsive pedagogy.
Seeking Effective Schools for African American
Bunyan Bryant & Alan H. Jones
1993, 80 pp., paper, $11.95, ISBN 1-880192-01-2
This handbook focuses on five long-standing correlates for effective
schools postulated by Ron Edmonds as variables that are present in
successful inner-city schools populated primarily by African American
Transforming the Curriculum for Multicultural Understandings:
A Practitioner’s Handbook
James B. Boyer & Prentice H. Baptiste, Jr.
1996, 266 pp., paper, $19.95, ISBN 1-880192-19-5
This textbook continues to be used widely in teacher education
and multicultural education classes, with a focus on understanding
issues of diversity and preparing teachers for contemporary
American classrooms.
The U.S. Presidency and Social Justice: Implications
for Public Education
H. Prentice Baptiste, Editor
2006, 371xii pp., paper, $39.95, ISBN 1-880192-51-9
A detailed analysis of the office of the President of the United States
in the context of social and educational policy, with a careful examination
of eighteen different Presidents and a variety of issues related to
political theory, influence, and power.
We Can Have Better Urban Schools
Cornell Thomas, Paulette Fitzhugh-Walker, & Phildra
T. Jefferies
2000, 132 pp., paper, $19.95, ISBN 1-880192-33-0
This book is about the education of students in urban school
environments. The practices espoused strongly support the
notion that urban schools can be, and oftentimes are, communities
where successful teaching and learning occurs.
Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow: Meeting the Challenge of
Our Multicultural America & Beyond
Paul D. Christiansen & Michelle Young
1996, 376 pp., paper, $29.95, ISBN 1-880192-18-7
This volume forces one to interact with where one stands
and, ultimately, to decide if that position is one which
helps to meet the challenge of a multicultural America—and
to attempt to go beyond to contribute even more in a society
as diverse as ours.
Books in Teacher Education
The Heart of the Matter: Teacher Educators and Teacher Education
Ardra L. Cole, Rosebud Elijah, & J. Gary Knowles, Editors
1998, 496 pp., paper, $39.95, ISBN 1-880192-28-4
The 35 contributors to this volume present experiences of
the central players in much teacher education reform—younger
faculty for whom good teaching is a passion, but whose reform
activities too often fail to satisfy promotion and tenure
The JOY of Sciencing
The JOY of Sciencing: A Hands-on Approach to Developing
Science Literacy and Teen Leadership through Cross-Age Teaching
and Community Action
Richard Ponzio & Charles Fisher, Editors
1998, 112 pp., paper, $19.95, ISBN 1-880192-24-1
This volume describes the community service emphasis of
the Science Experiences and Resources for Informal Education
Settings, a national 4-H program headquartered at the University
of California, Davis.
Judicious Coaching
Forrest Gathercoal, Paul Gathercoal, Beverly Reilly Bryde, & Nan
2002, 160 pp., paper, $19.95, ISBN 1-880192-41-1
Written primarily for coaches working with student athletes
who play team sports, this volume focuses on the academic
and athletic rights and responsibilities of those students,
working from the philosophical framework of Judicious Discipline.
Judicious Discipline
Forrest Gathercoal
2004 (6th edition), 250 pp., paper, $27.95, ISBN 1-880192-48-9
This revised and expanded 6th edition of the widely-used
Judicious Discipline presents the philosophical background
and a practical discussion of an approach to classroom management
and student growth revolving around development of self discipline
and learning the rights and responsibilities of living in
a democratic society.
Judicious Parenting
Forrest Gatrhercoal
1992, 212 pp., paper, $14.95, ISBN 1-880192-03-9
You spank your children, or ground them, or take away privileges,
and they still misbehave. In this ground-breaking book, Forrest
Gathercoal explains why punishing children doesn’t
do what you think it does—and offers a prescription
for family harmony and self-disciplined children.
The Judicious Professor: A Learner-Centered Philosophy for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
2007, 226vi pages, $29.95, ISBN 1-880192-53-5
An examination of teaching at the college and university level, with a focus on the sharing of responsibility for teaching and learning between professor and students. The nature of the "Judicious Professor" is discussed through theory and examples.
A Judicious Philosophy for School Support Personnel
Forrest Gathercoal
1996, 71 pp., paper, $12.95, ISBN 1-880192-16-0
This book is written primarily for school support personnel
and volunteers working with students in an educational environment,
and the ideas evolve from the Judicious Discipline philosophy
that builds on democratic understandings and fosters self-discipline.
Minds in Motion: Using Museums to Expand Creative Thinking
Alan Gartenhaus
1997 (3rd edition), 186 pp., paper, $14.95, ISBN 1-880192-21-7
A resource for teachers and parents interested
in integrating student creative thinking skills with field
trips to art, history, and science museums. The book includes
carefully-designed, hands-on activities.
Practicing Judicious Discipline: An Educator’s Guide
to the Democratic Classroom
Barbara McEwan Landau, Editor
2008 (4th edition), 289 pp., paper, $29.95,
ISBN 1-880192-54-3
This expanded edition of the workbook designed to be used
with Judicious Discipline offers essays, stories of practice,
and a wide range of lesson plans, worksheets, and forms related
to putting Judicious Discipline into action.
Shadows and Moon: About Being Schooled and a Bit More
Lou Denti
2003, 72 pp., paper, $19.95, ISBN 1-880192-44-6
A collection of poems and thoughts about children and youth
who have been stigmatized, labeled, and discriminated against
because of their learning and behavioral challenges. The
volume is used by the author and other faculty in preparing
special education teachers.
A Teacher’s Life: Stories of Literacy, Teacher Thinking,
and Professional Development
James A. Muchmore
2004, 203xiii pp., paper, $25.95, ISBN 1-880192-47-0
A Teacher’s Life blurs the distinction between biography
and qualitative research in presenting the story of a veteran
English teacher and placing her experiences in the context
of the author’s own professional life.
Who Will Teach? A Case Study of Teacher Education Reform
Rena Upitis, Senior Editor
2000, 318 pp., paper, $29.95, ISBN 1-880192-32-2
Through the voices of professors, administrators, principals,
teachers, and past and present teacher candidates, this volume
explores the workings of a significant change initiative
undertaken by the Faculty of Education at Queen’s University.
Books in Educational Foundations
Creating Inviting Schools
John M. Novak, Wendy Rocca, & Ann-Marie DiBiase, Editors
2006, 260 pp., $29.95, ISBN 1-880192-49-7
This book of 14 chapters by two dozen scholars and practitioners
of Invitational Education brings together the stories of
professional leaders who have successfully applied invitational
theory to the challenges and practices of real-life schools.
All That Appears Isn’t Necessarily So: Morality, Virtue,
Politics, and Education
Robert P. Engvall
1998, 188 pp., paper, $19.95, ISBN 1-880192-26-8
Attacks on our collective “loss of virtue” have
heightened and now occur so routinely that we treat the message
as obvious. The purpose of this book is to attack that message,
not so much for its content, but more for its method of delivery.
Virtue is, after all, rather complicated.
The Art of Writing Inquiry
Lorri Neilsen, Ardra L. Cole, & J. Gary Knowles, Editors
2001, 324 pp., paper, $32.95, ISBN 1-894132-06-8
A rich collection of arts-informed writing as inquiry and inquiry
into writing, including essays, reflections, fiction, poetry, and plays
at the leading edge of contemporary scholartistry.
Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Education: Toward a
Unified Theory of Learning and Teaching
Jerome A. Popp
1999, 260 pp., paper, $24.95, ISBN 1-880192-31-4
The goal of this book is to introduce educators to the issues
within current cognitive studies that will influence how
we will be thinking about learning and intelligence in the
years to come.
Education as Power
Theodore Brameld
2000 republication of 1965 classic, 199 pp., paper, $24.95,
ISBN 1-880192-34-9
When Education as Power first appeared in 1965, it quickly
became one of the primary texts of the educational reconstruction
movement. It remains just as relevant now 40 years later,
and has therefore been reissued under the sponsorship of
The Society for Educational Reconstruction.
Education for the Twenty-First Century
William H. Boyer
2002, 264 pp., paper, $24.95, ISBN 1-880192-38-1
In this intellectual biography, William H. Boyer presents
a collection of his articles, essays, and philosophy spanning
35 years, focusing on educational issues of peace, ecology,
economics, and philosophical reconstruction in this new century.
The Educational Messiah Complex: American
Faith in the Culturally Redemptive Power of Schooling
Sanford W. Reitman
1992, 232 pp., paper, $19.95, ISBN 1-880192-00-4
This volume examines historical, philosophical, sociological,
political, anthropological, and economic aspects of “The
Educational Messiah Complex,” as well as drawing on
cross-cultural comparisons with Israel.
Educationists and Their Vanities: 100 Missives to My Colleagues
George F. Kneller
1994, 208 pp., paper, $15.95, ISBN 1-880192-12-8
George F. Kneller was a keen observer and commentator on
the growth and development of the Graduate School of Education
at the University of California, Los Angeles, and this volume
collects together 100 “missives” shared with
his colleagues at the School.
In the First Person Singular: The Foundations of Education
R. Freeman Butts
1993, 112 pp., paper, $12.95, ISBN 1-880192-05-5
This book presents three pivotal essays by the eminent educational
historian R. Freeman Butts, presenting his reflections on
the foundations of education at Teachers College, Columbia
University, the development of international education programs
at the College, and the evolution of civic education.
Introducing Educational Reconstruction: The Philosophy and
Practice of Transforming Society through Education
Darrol Bussler, Frances L. O’Neil, Angela Raffel,
Frank Andrews Stone, & T. Mathai Thomas
1997, 136 pp., paper, $14.95, ISBN 1-880192-22-5
As the authors of this volume explain, the philosophy of
educational reconstruction has strong roots in the Twentieth
Century and significant promise for the Twenty-First Century
and beyond.
Key Questions for Educators
William Hare & John P. Portelli, Editors
2007, 162xiv pages, $24.95, ISBN 1880192-52-7
A collection of 40 original essays by well-known educational scholars responding to key questions about education and schooling. The result is a network of educational ideas of value to theoreticians and practitioners alike.
My Way of Looking at It: An Autobiography
William Van Til
1996, 478 pp, paper, $29.95, ISBN 1-880192-17-9
Through the autobiographical writing of a major figure in
Twentieth Century education, this volume provides important
history, personal stories, and social commentary all woven
together by an eminent communicator.
On the Wings of Metaphor
Stanley D. Ivie
2003, 333 pp., paper, $29.95, ISBN 1-880192-45-4
Metaphors are the stock in trade of educators, and in this
textbook Stanley D. Ivie explores ideas from key educators
throughout history and assists students in understanding,
developing, and using metaphors in their education and life.
Theodore Brameld’s Educational Reconstruction: An
Intellectual Biography
Frank A. Stone
2003, viii & 296 pp., paper, $29.95
ISBN 1-880192-43-8
The activist thinker most related to the philosophy of education
called educational reconstruction is Theodore Brameld (1904-1987),
and this intellectual biography investigates the influences
that shaped Brameld’s life and thought.
We Know Who We Are
We Know Who We Are: A History of the Blind in Challenging
Educational and Socially Constructed Policies—A Study
in Policy Analysis
Ronald J. Ferguson
2001, 224 pp., paper, $24.95, ISBN 1-880192-35-7
The blind have long been oppressed by socially constructed
beliefs about blindness. They have been stereotyped and discriminated
against. This volume offers a theoretical model to expose
and demystify such beliefs. The evidence in the book speaks
for itself.
Books on Women and Education
A Matter of Loyalty: The Los Angeles School Board vs. Frances
Martha Kransdorf
1994, 140 pp., paper, $14.95, ISBN 1-880192-11-X
This is the story of Frances Eisenberg, a teacher in Los
Angeles who in the 1950s was dismissed by the school system
because of political associations with communism.
Knowing Her Place: Research Literacies and Feminist Occasions
Lorri Neilsen
1998, 288 pp., paper, $24.95, ISBN 1-880192-27-6
This volume of stories, essays, research articles, and poems
portray two decades in Lorri Neilsen’s career as a
writer, teacher, researcher, and mother.
Schoolmarms: Women in America’s Schools
Edwina Walsh
1995, 235 pp., paper, $19.95, ISBN 1-880192-14-4
This volume gives voice to one woman’s experiences
as a teacher and administrator, grappling with sexism and
other forms of intolerance in American schools. It is surely
the voice of many if not most woman in education.
Books on International Education
Academies for Anatolia
Academies for Anatolia: A Study of the Rationale, Program,
and Impact of the Educational Institutions Sponsored by the
American Board in Turkey, 1830-2005
Frank A. Stone
2006, 400 pp., paper, $39.95, ISBN 1-880192-50-0
An historical, social, and political examination of the schools
initiated, operated, and sponsored in Turkey by the American
Board and its contemporary successors.
A Geography of Human Life
Tsunesaburo Makiguchi
2002, English Edition, Edited by Dayle M. Bethel, xxxvi & 310
pp., paper, $29.95, ISBN 1-880192-42-X
This volume by a distinguished Japanese scholar, first published
in Japan in 1903, offers a unique ecological and educational
perspective on the relationship between humankind and nature,
a perspective still very relevant over 100 years after its
first presentation.
Compulsory Schooling and Human Learning: The Moral Failure
of Public Education in America and Japan
Dayle M. Bethel, Editor
1994, 160 pp., paper, $17.95, ISBN 1-880192-13-6
The essays in this book are an outgrowth of an ongoing multicultural
dialogue among parents, teachers, and scholars within the
Pacific community of nations and peoples concerning educational
and social problems and needs for fundamental cultural and
educational change.
Russia in Darkness: On Education and the Future
Boris M. Gershunsky
1993, 102 pp., paper, $12.95, ISBN 1-880192-04-7
An open letter from a leading Russian education scholar
addressed to Russian President Boris Yeltcin, deploring educational
conditions and directions in that nation.
School with Forest and Meadow
Ikue Tezuka
1995, 125 pp., paper, $17.95, ISBN 1-880192-15-2
This volume describes the educational theory and practice
of Giichiro Yamanouchi, including illustrations and commentary
from his educational reform efforts in Japan.
Unemployment, Education, and Training: Case Studies from
North America and Europe
Keith Forrester & Kevin Ward, Editors
1991, 354 pp., paper, $19.95, ISBN 0-9625945-6-3
An examination of contemporary theory and practice and future
possibilities for reducing unemployment through education
and training, with case studies from Belgium, France, The
Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States,
and Germany.
The War Schools of Dobrinja: Reading, Writing and Resistance during the Siege of Sarajevo
David M. Berman
2007, 252xxxii pages, $29.95, ISBN 1-880192-55-1
A carefully research, well-documented, and invitingly written story of the teachers and students who maintained schools in Dobrinja during the early 1990s despite the siege of Sarajevo. A compelling analysis of education under wartime conditions.