Publishing Sponsors
Sponsors of periodicals published by Caddo Gap Press include the California Council on Teacher Education, the Society of Philosophy and History of Education, the University of Texas at San Antonio, and the University of Michigan Associates in the Social Foundations of Education.
Other organizations that Caddo Gap Press cooperates with in
publishing and promoting periodicals and books include the
American Association of Colleges and Universities for Teacher
Education, the American Educational Research Association, the
American Educational Studies Association, the Association of
Progressive Teacher Educators of California, the Association
of Teacher Educators, the California Association for Bilingual
Education, the Comparative and International Education Society,
the Council for the Social Foundations of Education, the National
Association for Multicultural Education, the Philosophy of
Education Society, and the Society of Professors of Education.
Groups, individuals, and programs that we suggest as examples
of promising progressive practices in the field include:
Guitars in the Classroom
Educators for Social Responsibility
Susan Ohanian
San Francisco Freedom School
Educator Roundtable